About us
We are a SOFTWARE publisher and we are developing the proprietary AI platform “RETORIK AI” dedicated to the creation of “human like” digital agents.
Retorik AI is a SaaS software publisher which has expertise in the fields of AI, Affective Computing and HMI. To carry out its missions, Retorik AI has various skills: AI engineers, Datascientists, NLP experts, 3D computer graphics designers, UI-UX designers, psychologists, full stack developers, software developers, PhD in cognitive engineering, etc.
Our Mission
We create digital humans to make the digital relationship between machines and humans more human, more fluid and more efficient.
To make the digital relationship between machines and humans more human, more fluid and more efficient.
The computer will soon no longer be the capricious and painful machine
The computer will soon no longer be the capricious and painful machine that we all know but an assistant, capable of adapting to humans, of processing dozens of requests at the same time and thus multiplying our processing capacities, our expertise and our value. …